Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Theramore, I Hardly Knew Ye (spoileriffic for the Fall of Theramore scenario)

Yesterday launched an event that was very traumatic to many Alliance players and possibly awesome for many Horde players. Yes, I'm talking about the infamous Fall of Theramore pre-expansion event. I didn't have the luck of running it on both sides to see how it differs, but my girlfriend did. As a diehard unbiased and proud bifaction player, I was curious to see just how much they were different from each other. And oh, were they different.

The Horde event was pure military offense. Upon entry, players had to blow up six ships stationed at the docks, kill and 85 elite and his gryphons, destroy all the siege engines lining the southern entry to the city, and finally free a Blood Elf spy who had been in Theramore for quite some time, probably gathering intelligence for this particular operation, who quickly ports the players out right before the Azerothian equivalent of a nuke completely levels the city. The Alliance event, on the other hand, is an attempt to retake the ruins of the city and protect Jaina as she tries to get to the Focusing Iris in an attempt to claim it before the Horde does. Players have to kill a group of Orc fighters, then set fire to Horde ships, battle their way to Jaina at the impact zone, steal back three Theramore battle standards, destroy one of the Horde's siege engines, and fight the warlock who controls the ruins while protecting Jaina from his lackeys.

Upon completion of the scenario for the first time, players get a glimpse of what will be the new normal in MoP. A ruined Theramore, barely recognizable from the city we all once knew and loved. All that remains is rubble. And the stables and blacksmith shop, although both are on fire.

Oddly enough, the boat still works.

Bye-bye inn. So many logouts there, so many visits to Stablemaster Michael.

Another chilling part of the phased zone is the expanded graveyard full of fresh graves. It's a stark reminder of the cost of war, and I won't lie. I teared up when I saw all the little touches the developers put into this graveyard. There were little personal items and flowers on the graves, and one even has a little bottle of liquor next to it.

Toolboxes, swords, shields, even a fishing pole for "Dirty" Michael Crowe.

Two very completely different scenarios, and even though I am very much bifaction, I think I would feel incredibly disgusted by destroying Theramore. So many good memories from questing there on my first toon, and I don't think I could be responsible for the deaths of some of the NPCs I had grown attached to. Especially Smiling Jim.

It's all in his cheerful song, really.

I found out a most wondrous fact from a guildie. He said that if you hadn't completed the scenario, you could still visit un-exploded Theramore. So, I hopped on my lowbie mage and teleported myself there to bid a fond farewell to all of the NPCs I had grown to know and love during my time questing there on Heucbah. The guildie in question, my girlfriend, and I even had a little gathering for Smiling Jim, giving him a proper sendoff. True, he doesn't do anything "special" as far as NPCs go, and he's not a merchant. He's just a happy man who loves to make others happy and sing a song about bringing people booze in a "dry" city. Seriously. The bartender in Theramore only sells mana juice!

Probably shouldn't have gotten drunk before taking this cap. D'oh!

After our little improptu party, my girlfriend and I retreated to the Inn and mulled over what was to become of our fabulous NPC buddy.

Rest in peace, you magnificent man!